Charlie Peavley is an agent on the Keri Shull Team. After starting as a loan officer assistant in the mortgage industry right out of college, he soon realized his talents would be better utilized selling real estate. Joining the Keri Shull Team gave him access to the world-class training the team provides. This helped him, as a 23-year old agent, to move past some of the mental roadblocks he set for himself. He has also learned the best way to build confidence is to continue to get experience and stay as well-educated as possible to deliver knowledge and results for your clients.
Join Charlie Peavley and Host Dan Lesniak as they discuss…
∙ The differences between careers as a loan officer and selling real estate.
∙ How recent interest rate increases are helping eliminate competition for buyers.
∙ Why it is important for agents to educate yourself on what’s going on in the market.
∙ How getting experience and building knowledge helps build confidence for young agents.
💬 “Lending was a lot more transactional than selling real estate is…” – Charlie Peavley
💬 “As rates have started to creep up, you know, the buyers that are gonna buy, they're gonna buy regardless” - Charlie Peavley
💬 “If you're uncertain, then your clients are gonna be uncertain about the decision they're about to make as well” - Charlie Peavley
💬 “Why would anybody want to spend a million dollars with a 23 year old? – Charlie Peavley