Show Notes

In episodes 421 and 422, host Dan Lesniak went over parts one and two of how to get more listings in 2023. Those were focused on preparing to have a conversation with your client at the listing appointment and developing the right marketing strategy to sell the home. In this episode, Dan focuses on the third part of a strategy to get more listings in 2023: setting a communications strategy with the seller. Set the tone up front that you will be providing them with a weekly report and make sure they are comfortable with that. Dan outlines what the minimum amount of information you need to have in that report. That also is not the limit to your communication with them. During the course of the week, you might need to call or text them with any larger updates. But the weekly report will give them the broad scope of what is happening with the home and all the things you are doing to try to sell it. Every element of this is part of the feedback process from potential buyers and in the feedback that you, as a real estate agent, are providing to your seller. 

Join Host Dan Lesniak as he discusses…

∙ Setting the expectation with your seller that they will be receiving a weekly report from you about all you are doing to try to sell their home. 

∙ Making sure you block a certain time each week to write these reports for each of your clients.

∙ Outlining the bare minimum elements that need to be in each weekly report.

∙ How you can use those weekly reports to provide feedback to the seller and show them why you may need to lower the price if the home is not getting any offers.


💬 “Even if you are doing all of the correct things, if the seller does not know that … they are not going to know you are doing the right marketing things.” - Dan Lesniak

💬 “I would recommend taking an approach of giving them a weekly report.” - Dan Lesniak

💬 “That is all feedback that you can use to get them to lower the price.” - Dan Lesniak

💬 “Over-communication is also is is also fine.” - Dan Lesniak

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